What Happens When You Repair a Smartphone?

by Super User
Hits: 1871

At times people somewhy decide that repairing a smartphone is no trickier than watching Jerry Seinfeld show. But in reality screen replacing or a battery swap is not that easy. “Oh, I’ll just watch a few how-to videos and order ... a bunch of parts from eBay and I’ll be able to do it”. In fact, the truth about how many things can and most likely will go wrong if you will try to repair your smartphone on your own is shocking.

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10 of the Costliest Computer Viruses

by Super User
in News
Hits: 2549

Computer viruses are one of the most common problems computer repair services are called upon to fix. In 2010, Happy Hamster Computers removed more than 60,000 viruses from more than 3,000 computers. It can cost hundreds of dollars to fix an infected computer, and in some instances, computer repair is futile if the data gets destroyed and the hardware fried. The following is a look at some of the most expensive computer viruses to date.

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Taking Care of Your Laptop: Laptop Repair Experts

by Super User
in Updates
Hits: 1183

Follow the tips below to avoid having to visit a laptop computer repair shop.

Heat: Staying connected is essential in this day and age, and for many computer users, a laptop provides that vital lifeline. Due to their compact and portable nature, laptops can be easy to damage and expensive to repair.

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Digital television standards continue to conquer developing countries

by Super User
in Hot
Hits: 772

Modern technologies development sets high standards to each and every sphere of our life - from teaching to entertainment. Today we would like to talk about one of the sides of modern digital technologies - new television broadcast standard that makes it easier for viewers and owners of both digital and analog TV sets to integrate their devices into the system of modern TV entertainment and latest technologies.

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Cost management as an element of financial management

by Super User
in Public
Hits: 768

Modern business is often observed in a complex manner. Like any organism requires a lot of elements to function correctly, a company contains some departments that play vital roles in its successful functioning. Work of these departments may be connected with finances, and if it is, then cost management becomes important for flawless functioning of such departments.

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